Saturday, March 26, 2011

Last Day

Yo yo yo!

We're in the airport right now, hanging out until our flight starts boarding. It's exciting to be going back home - we're all looking forward to SLEEP - but it's also really sad. We said our goodbyes to Benny and Janice and the kids, Stephen and DK, as well as the rest of the Newsong NEO team. I'm (Mallory) going to miss them all so much but, who knows, maybe I'll go back someday! haha This certainly isn't going to be goodbye forever.

I don't think it's really hit me yet that we're leaving Mexico City. Spending a week in the city and being immersed in its culture (i.e. trying to communicate effectively in Spanish...key word: trying) is going to make it a little strange to go back to the US...and it's only been a week! I think I've said this before but my Spanish improved from none at all to limited. For example: shopping at an artist's marketplace, I bartered with a lady in Spanish and it was a success! It's such a little thing but I'm extremely proud of myself.

I'm going to miss Cafe el Jarocha (the BEST hot chocolate ever), the churro stand, Pedro's al pastor tacos, Taco Express, Cafe Neo. I'm going to miss the uneven sidewalks that trip me and mess me up. I'm going to miss all the people we were able to interact with and talk to and get to know.

I'm running out of time on the free internet so I'll be going now. More to come.

(Oh yes, please keep praying for Yohan's safe return. His green card didn't arrive. There's no plan B but we're confident that God will take care of everything. Your prayers will definitely help too.)

See you soon!

More of Yohan

Matt: So I was talking about how I had an unnaturally high voice
Janice: Oh, so you're like a Korean popstar. Some of those guys sound like girls.
Yohan: Yeah. They have really tight pants.
Benny: Yohan, from now on, I want you to speak freely, whatever comes into your mind. Just say it.


Steph: So I'm really not interested in any classes except for business classes

Friday, March 25, 2011

God is SO good.

He is SO good.

I'm sitting in the Neo cafe, listening to awesome musicians singing AMAZING praise songs.

Forever God is faithful. Forever God is strong.

At the moment, I am filled with so much love for everyone who has made the decision to move their lives in the US to be here in Mexico City. They have such faith in God, to follow Him down here. It's inspiring to see how much they trust God, despite their struggles and whatever frustrations they may have. I aspire to have that much trust someday.

You are overcomer, you are heart transformer, you are life forever, ever more. You bring songs to the hopeless shower grace on our weakness. You are love forever, ever more.

El es Santo. EL ES SANTO.

(The italicized lines are songs that we were singing as I typed this blog post out. I told you, I'm listening to amazing praise songs.)

It's definitely been an amazing trip. More on my thoughts later because I need a bit of time to process everything. It's all been pretty crazy and definitely challenging but so, so blessed.

P.S. Charis, (big)Micah, and (baby)Micah are so adorable!

Today is Friday...Tomorrow is Saturday.

^ This has been the song of the day, or week for our team apparently. It's 5:08 PM and I am counting down the hours until Saturday so that we can stop playing this song. Haha.

We are all hanging out at NEO cafe right now just having fellowship with the NEO staff members here and catching up with Abe and Annette who just arrived an hour ago.

As Mallory has already mentioned, that today we had to say good-bye to some of the people working at the Well who we've just spent the past few days sharing life together. Even with a language barrier, we managed to all connect with these people, and saying goodbye today was just so sad, and definitely made me want to come back again.

I haven't posted at all this trip (fail right?), but just a few sentences to recap on this missions trip:
This week we've spent so much time with the NEO Newsong team here, and I think what's moved me so much is seeing how faithful and loving everyone here is. Almost everyone here has taken a year or two, or more out of their lives to come serve God and help the cause here. -made me rethink about long-term mission trips. And then also God has humbled each and everyone of u here teaching us that just because it may seem like we're doing small insignificant things for God, that it's just as important as doing the big things.

I'm so sad to be leaving tomorrow. But it's not over yet!! We still have tonight!! And be on the lookout for a video because BWAM MEXICO TEAM IS PERFORMING!! And each and every one of us are singing (including Josh).

So I'm out for now, I just want to say thank you to all our supporters, friends, and family who have been praying for us non-stop. Continue to pray for us as we go back home. Please pray for our health (many of us have had headaches and stomach-aches) as we fly back tomorrow night and that we get back home safe! 

P.S. NEO cafe has Kinect with that dancing game. IT'S SO FUN! And their burritos are amazing. Psh so much better than chipotle!

<3 Stephanie

Day 6

It's Friday, Friday, gettin' down on Friday.
-This song has become our team's...theme?

Also. I (Mallory) am sitting in Cafe Neo near the Plaza Coyoacan, getting ready for Neo's Cafe Night. As a team, we're performing so please pray that God will endow us with wonderful musical talents haha Seriously though, I think we all sound really good. It's going to be a good night with performances by local artists and by Tres Hermanos (DK, Benny Yu, and Stephen Lee). Quite awesome.

This morning we said goodbye to the people we've been seeing this past week, which was actually more difficult than I'd imagined. They have left a deep, lasting impact on my life, and I really hope to see them again soon.

My ankle was bothering me so much this morning that I was afraid I wouldn't be able to even leave the house but one talk with Janice and one promise to God later and I was completely fine. Praise the Lord!

I'm so excited for tonight. My Spanish is minimal, but I really want to talk to people and transcend the language barrier. Please pray that God will give me the words to say!

Oh goodness. There are so many more things to say...but my team is calling me to play Dance Central on the Kinect. I am a terrible dancer so I'll probably make a fool of myself but...oh well. We should be fools for God in everything we do, even video games, yes? haha


Today Josh and I had to stay back while everyone went to the Well. Why? Attacks from Satan, that's why.

A certain team member happened to clog one of the toilets, spilling poo-water everywhere. We got to spend a couple hours cleaning it up. Praise the Lord for... bonding time.

We rebuke thee, Satan. :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Re: the influx of posts

We finally have some time after debriefing to just hang out instead of simply going to bed.

Apparently, the paint fumes we've been inhaling all day have had a wonderful effect on our senses of humor (actually, these conversations I've been posting have been fairly indicative of our relationships with each other...).

Some more:
Matt: (mockingly) Chapultepec. Chah-pool-tah-peck.
Mallory: HEY!


Are we just going to keep pumping out blog posts until we have enough to match the Boise team?
-Danny PhanFann.

(Edited because I misspelled Danny's last name. Sorry!)

Team love at midnight.

Mallory: Chapultepec really is my favorite Spanish word. Chapultepec. Chah-pool-tah-peck.
Matt: Please stop talking.

Danny: Mallory can fix it all. Cookie Mama will fix it Mama Bear, I mean.
Mallory: Really?! C'mon now, really?

(I am so loved, aren't I?)

Matt: Where did you get Cookie Mama?
Danny: Haven't you ever played the game?!
Matt: There's a game called Cookie Mama??

Josh: (reading our blog) This is so inappropriate!

(For the record: Danny actually meant Cooking Mama. Matt and I both heard Cookie Mama.)

Day 5

Hello friends, family, and supporters.

Today we did some stuff that we're not allowed to talk about. It literally involved walking under ladders and breaking mirrors.

There were also bathrooms with no toilet paper. As they so often say in Mexico City... No bueno.

However we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves due to the plethora of food that was provided for us. Janice made us an AMAZING stew in the morning that she spent all night making.
For lunch we ordered delivery, which in Mexico consists of: A steaky soup, An alphabet-y soup, rice, beans, tortillas, a banana, and pina (Pineapple Juice). All for the hefty sum of around 4 dollars per person.
For dinner, Janice prepared some wonderful pork tacos that were akdjfngkjandgkjfnbeautiful. I only had five. But some people had double that. And I am not surprised.

What also kept us going throughout the day were Yohan's uh... quotes. From henceforth, there shall be a section in our blogs for the things that Yohan says.

During a random conversation that had nothing to do with anything:
Yohan: "Do you have castration?"

During a car ride back home:
Matt: "Is that a goat?"
Yohan: "No.. it's a transvestite."

When we're about to get dropped off.
Stephen: "You don't have to stop the van... we can just jump out while you're moving."
Yohan: "Like a Sting Operation."

When the electricity in the building goes off:
Yohan: "Party Foul."

That's all I have to say. Mallory probably has some more holy stuff to post. Look for that in the erm... next episode of BWAM '11 - Mexico City.

Day 4/5

Greetings from Mexico City!

Day 4:
Went to the Well again but only for half a day so we could do some sight-seeing. Yes, yes, we're on a mission trip but, personally, feel like we need to know Mexico City in order to love it. And knowing it includes seeing its history and culture, as well as interacting with the people on the streets.
We were able to visit Castillo de Chapultepec (Chapultepec Castle), which used to be an actual castle but now serves as one of Mexico City's many national museums. Chapultepec (chah-pool-tah-peck) also happens to be one of my (Mallory's) favorite word (random, I know...). We were also able to visit the Catedral Metropolitana de la Asunción de María, which was pretty cool. Fact of the day: the conquistadors tore down the Aztec temple and used its stones to build the cathedral.
It was a pretty chill day but we've all been so tired from the rest of the days that the constant boarding/exiting el metrobus or the metro and walking everywhere really took its toll on us.

Day 5:
Today was a bit of a frustration for me (Mallory, still). Yesterday, I'd gotten a bug bite on my ankle, and it must have been some nasty bug because my ankle was swollen to twice its normal size by this morning. It was fine until we got to the place where we were going to be doing construction work, which is when it got so bad that it was painful to even stand. It was frustrating to only be able to help in a limited capacity, and I was definitely feeling pretty useless. In the end, though, God used that for the better as I was able to talk to a woman about her experiences working with human trafficking victims and prostitutes.
The rest of the team worked really hard, and in the end, got a lot finished.

Something I've been learning more and more is that, despite the language barrier, I'm able to have a connection with people. It's pretty crazy. I can talk to people and, though they know little English and I know virtually no Spanish, we were able to have a conversation and understand each other (maybe/kinda/sorta haha). Though I don't regret taking French in high school, I have a new desire to learn Spanish!

This mission trip has been more challenging than previous ones I've been on, but it has been so much more blessed. More on that later. God is good, all the time!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 3

Just going to make a short post about our crazy adventures and amazing experiences.
Yesterday Yohan and I (Matt) went to the Well do to some waterproofing painting for the roof. Unfortunately Josh and Danny had to stay behind and go to the cafe because we weren't allowed to have more than 2 guys in the Well at a time.
Unfortunately, today was our day to be left behind. However, we still made a day of it, cleaning Benny and Janice's kitchen and rooftop patio (which is a freaking 400 sq ft wildlife reserve complete with astro turf and a swing set. what the crazy.
We also got to go gallivanting around Mexico City to look for a casa de cambio, or a currency exchange place. We then took a ridiculously long nap and went out with Benny to the Cafe where we installed a projector (more like Benny installed a projector while we did nothing.)

The rest of the guys finished up the roof painting at the Well while the girls spent time with the people there and loved on them. (actually just ate ice cream. Is this a real mission trip?)

ANYWAY. I have been consistently feeling that we are on this trip to be a blessing to the people we encounter, and God has been showing me that He also intends to use this trip as a blessing to me. We've seen a bunch of amazing stuff happen even this early in the trip, and I'm really excited for what God has in store for us. On Friday, NEO will be hosting an event called Illuminarte, in which a bunch of not-necessarily-christian artists will be meeting at the cafe and playing music and making art. We decided that we wanted to focus this night around the word "Blessing," as a response to what God has been doing on our trip so far.

We are eagerly anticipating the places that God leads us and discovering how He can be a blessing to us as we bless those around us.

Also, this is another blessing:
Yes. Authentic Al Pastor Mexican Tacos with Pineapple.
Praise. The. Lord.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 2

It was a busy, hectic day but it was one that was so blessed at the same time.

Those of us who went to the Well were able to love on those who live there, talking to them and getting to know them. At times it felt like we weren't doing as much in terms of physical labor - like we were just hanging out and not really on a mission trip - but something that God has been teaching us is that we are here in Mexico City to be a blessing in any way that we can. If it is to hang out with people and talk to them, then that is what He has called us to do. A couple of us did more physical labor in re-painting waterproof paint onto the roof in preparation for the rainy season.

Those of us who went to the Newsong NEO cafe were able to help out with setting things up, washing dishes and helping the place be fully prepared and functioning.

We're definitely looking forward to whatever God has in store for us tomorrow and the rest of the week!

P.S. sorta: One thing I find amusing is that, because I'm using the Internet down here, a lot of things are in Spanish. haha I don't speak Spanish and I can barely read it so it's interesting to stumble my way through websites that were so familiar...but are now completely foreign...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 1

Hello, friends!

It is now almost 2 in the morning here in Mexico City and we've just gotten settled in Benny and Janice's house. It's been a wonderfully hectic but blessed day, full of laughter and stress.

First, we'd just like to praise God that one of our team was able to make it. Issues with his green card had us worried for a bit but, by the grace of God, he cleared customs and immigration without a hitch. But it's not over yet: please pray that his green card arrives before Thursday so he'll be able to make it back into the US.

Checking in at the airport was a bit of a hassle. We were already running a little late and had troubles with the automated self check-in process but we were able to make it to the plane on time. Barely. haha Thank God for His provision as He brought us to the gate and onto the plane just in time. Josh and Matt also thank God for being able to switch seats on the plane and move to the seats with an amazing amount of leg room.

We've already had a few adventures, including the guys getting lost in a cab and going to an AMAZING taco place for a late dinner. The girls even got a cool picture "working" at the taco stand!

About our schedule/itinerary: A lot of things are still up in the air, but it's definitely easy to see how God is moving in this place and how He's going to be using us to love on the city and its people while we're here. There's a lot of work to do but we're definitely ready to do anything and everything.

It's so exciting to finally be here in Mexico City. All of us have a feeling that God is going to do something great here, we just have to be prepared for it!

Continue to pray that we will be able to go with the flow and be flexible with whatever comes our way.

We love all of you. Thank you so much for having us in your prayers!
-Mexico City Team!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

As The Date Approaches...

My preparation for this trip has been unlike any other I've ever experienced. My team is much smaller than any other team I've been on a mission trip with, and I also don't really know the people I'm going with nearly as much as I'd like to. We've had three training sessions so far but I feel like there's so much more to know about everyone. I eagerly await the journey and the chance to get to know the people I haven't been able to spend much time with.

I think a few years ago I would have looked at our preparation and been discontent with it. We don't know what we're doing in Mexico, aside from odd jobs around El Pozo, the rescue and rehabilitation home for human trafficking victims, and helping ease whatever burdens we can for the staff at Newsong Mexico City (NEO). We haven't bonded an amazing amount with our team or worked through any tough problems to bring us together as a team, (with the slight exception of our first training session challenge, in which we had to go buy lunch and feed each other.) yet today I feel a sense of peace over the whole journey. I think it's the peace that God gives us when we trust Him.

Once again, I think it comes down to doing things for a great God, as opposed to doing great things for God. We don't know what we're doing and we don't know how to do it, but God has invited us to Mexico for a reason, and it is good. I know this.

Our team, Josh Yu, Mallory Yu, Rebecca Wang, Yohan Song, Stephanie Bai, Marisabel Berrellez, Danny Fann, and I, will be leaving for Mexico City this Sunday night, in a few days. You can definitely pray for us... for all of the normal mission trip stuff. But for right now, I just want to express how much I want to thank God. It's something that I don't do often enough, but I was reading Psalms 50 yesterday and God pointed something out to me. "Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God, and keep the vows you made to the Most High." (Psalm 50:14 NLT)

Thank You, God, for inviting us to join you in your work. We're really excited to see you.

Monday, March 7, 2011

BWAM Training 3/5/11

On Saturday we had a team training in which we read Isaiah 58 as part of our devotions.
We didn't really have time to share together but I wanted to write a little bit about what I read.

One of the biggest things that stood out to me was right after verse 6-7, the verses that Isaiah 58 is known for. I was most interested in verses 8-11.

"Then your salvation will come like the dawn, and your wounds will quickly heal. Your godliness will lead you forward, and the glory of the Lord will protect you from behind. Then when you call, the Lord will answer. 'Yes, I am here,' He will quickly reply. Remove the heavy yoke of oppression. Stop pointing your finger and spreading vicious rumors! Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon. The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry, and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring." (NLT)

I guess I'm a little bit of a pessimist, always thinking that my life could be so much better and always looking for ways in which I can improve my circumstances, even if it has a holy cover-up like "I want to be a better Christian to experience more joy in life." But God basically gives us a promise in these verses that God will give us water when we are dry, and He will restore our strength, if only we fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.

I don't know how much this directly relates to our trip, but I'm sure we will encounter situations there in which we can remove the heavy yolk of oppression for someone. I don't think it has to be a huge act, it might even be doing something for a fellow teammate. Abe, our college pastor, shared a quote with us that says, "There's a big difference between doing great things for God and doing things for a great God."

Maybe God will call us to do the smallest most insignificant things imaginable, but if we follow Him and trust Him with what little we have, we will be "like a well-watered garden, like an ever flowing spring."

We serve and we follow a great God.