Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 5

Hello friends, family, and supporters.

Today we did some stuff that we're not allowed to talk about. It literally involved walking under ladders and breaking mirrors.

There were also bathrooms with no toilet paper. As they so often say in Mexico City... No bueno.

However we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves due to the plethora of food that was provided for us. Janice made us an AMAZING stew in the morning that she spent all night making.
For lunch we ordered delivery, which in Mexico consists of: A steaky soup, An alphabet-y soup, rice, beans, tortillas, a banana, and pina (Pineapple Juice). All for the hefty sum of around 4 dollars per person.
For dinner, Janice prepared some wonderful pork tacos that were akdjfngkjandgkjfnbeautiful. I only had five. But some people had double that. And I am not surprised.

What also kept us going throughout the day were Yohan's uh... quotes. From henceforth, there shall be a section in our blogs for the things that Yohan says.

During a random conversation that had nothing to do with anything:
Yohan: "Do you have castration?"

During a car ride back home:
Matt: "Is that a goat?"
Yohan: "No.. it's a transvestite."

When we're about to get dropped off.
Stephen: "You don't have to stop the van... we can just jump out while you're moving."
Yohan: "Like a Sting Operation."

When the electricity in the building goes off:
Yohan: "Party Foul."

That's all I have to say. Mallory probably has some more holy stuff to post. Look for that in the erm... next episode of BWAM '11 - Mexico City.

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