Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 2

It was a busy, hectic day but it was one that was so blessed at the same time.

Those of us who went to the Well were able to love on those who live there, talking to them and getting to know them. At times it felt like we weren't doing as much in terms of physical labor - like we were just hanging out and not really on a mission trip - but something that God has been teaching us is that we are here in Mexico City to be a blessing in any way that we can. If it is to hang out with people and talk to them, then that is what He has called us to do. A couple of us did more physical labor in re-painting waterproof paint onto the roof in preparation for the rainy season.

Those of us who went to the Newsong NEO cafe were able to help out with setting things up, washing dishes and helping the place be fully prepared and functioning.

We're definitely looking forward to whatever God has in store for us tomorrow and the rest of the week!

P.S. sorta: One thing I find amusing is that, because I'm using the Internet down here, a lot of things are in Spanish. haha I don't speak Spanish and I can barely read it so it's interesting to stumble my way through websites that were so familiar...but are now completely foreign...

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