Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 4/5

Greetings from Mexico City!

Day 4:
Went to the Well again but only for half a day so we could do some sight-seeing. Yes, yes, we're on a mission trip but, personally, feel like we need to know Mexico City in order to love it. And knowing it includes seeing its history and culture, as well as interacting with the people on the streets.
We were able to visit Castillo de Chapultepec (Chapultepec Castle), which used to be an actual castle but now serves as one of Mexico City's many national museums. Chapultepec (chah-pool-tah-peck) also happens to be one of my (Mallory's) favorite word (random, I know...). We were also able to visit the Catedral Metropolitana de la Asunción de María, which was pretty cool. Fact of the day: the conquistadors tore down the Aztec temple and used its stones to build the cathedral.
It was a pretty chill day but we've all been so tired from the rest of the days that the constant boarding/exiting el metrobus or the metro and walking everywhere really took its toll on us.

Day 5:
Today was a bit of a frustration for me (Mallory, still). Yesterday, I'd gotten a bug bite on my ankle, and it must have been some nasty bug because my ankle was swollen to twice its normal size by this morning. It was fine until we got to the place where we were going to be doing construction work, which is when it got so bad that it was painful to even stand. It was frustrating to only be able to help in a limited capacity, and I was definitely feeling pretty useless. In the end, though, God used that for the better as I was able to talk to a woman about her experiences working with human trafficking victims and prostitutes.
The rest of the team worked really hard, and in the end, got a lot finished.

Something I've been learning more and more is that, despite the language barrier, I'm able to have a connection with people. It's pretty crazy. I can talk to people and, though they know little English and I know virtually no Spanish, we were able to have a conversation and understand each other (maybe/kinda/sorta haha). Though I don't regret taking French in high school, I have a new desire to learn Spanish!

This mission trip has been more challenging than previous ones I've been on, but it has been so much more blessed. More on that later. God is good, all the time!

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