Friday, March 25, 2011

Today is Friday...Tomorrow is Saturday.

^ This has been the song of the day, or week for our team apparently. It's 5:08 PM and I am counting down the hours until Saturday so that we can stop playing this song. Haha.

We are all hanging out at NEO cafe right now just having fellowship with the NEO staff members here and catching up with Abe and Annette who just arrived an hour ago.

As Mallory has already mentioned, that today we had to say good-bye to some of the people working at the Well who we've just spent the past few days sharing life together. Even with a language barrier, we managed to all connect with these people, and saying goodbye today was just so sad, and definitely made me want to come back again.

I haven't posted at all this trip (fail right?), but just a few sentences to recap on this missions trip:
This week we've spent so much time with the NEO Newsong team here, and I think what's moved me so much is seeing how faithful and loving everyone here is. Almost everyone here has taken a year or two, or more out of their lives to come serve God and help the cause here. -made me rethink about long-term mission trips. And then also God has humbled each and everyone of u here teaching us that just because it may seem like we're doing small insignificant things for God, that it's just as important as doing the big things.

I'm so sad to be leaving tomorrow. But it's not over yet!! We still have tonight!! And be on the lookout for a video because BWAM MEXICO TEAM IS PERFORMING!! And each and every one of us are singing (including Josh).

So I'm out for now, I just want to say thank you to all our supporters, friends, and family who have been praying for us non-stop. Continue to pray for us as we go back home. Please pray for our health (many of us have had headaches and stomach-aches) as we fly back tomorrow night and that we get back home safe! 

P.S. NEO cafe has Kinect with that dancing game. IT'S SO FUN! And their burritos are amazing. Psh so much better than chipotle!

<3 Stephanie

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